Get to Know Me

Get to Know Me

WELCOME! I'm Shandyce and I consider myself not just an artist, but a creative. For me, that means I do all things that move and inspire me. Creating has always been my way of rejuvenating or connecting to the parts of myself that are genuinely happy. So, while I've created many things within my lifetime, I have only started sharing my art with the world since 2019. As a Black Woman, I have experienced the world in many different ways and have learned many different things along the way. As a response to these experiences, I began creating art that said all of the things I have ever been hesitant to say or show all of the things I have ever been hesitant to portray about myself. I then decided that I wanted to make art to help others do the same; speak their truth. I decided
I wanted to share as much LOVE in art form as I can with the world, in however much time I'm here. So, I hope you find some love here, and I hope to help you share your message with the world. Thank you for visiting!

"The role of an artist is exactly the same as the role of the lover. If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don't see."

-James Baldwin

Love in Art Form

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